
app has been webhook banned

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
Die generierte App funtioniert eine Zeit lang und wird dann aber nach gewisser Zeit von Netatmo gesperrt!
Dabei wird diese Meldung ausgegeben:
"Your app has been webhook banned. To avoid being banned, your application must always return '200' and answer quickly to our server (< 10sec). If your application did not answer quick enough or if it returned another code more than five times in a row, your webhook will be deactivated during 24 hours. To manually unban your app, click on the button below."

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots & Logfiles

2023-01-02 (1)


  • Adapter version: 3.0.0
  • JS-Controller version: 4.0.23
  • Node version: 16.19.0
  • Operating system: ubuntu

As already discused in Discord we need the reasons for this. The ioBropker Servcie which is used to ansswer the calls is operated by Amazon AWS and so should be up 24/7 ... The service is answering always with htp 200 and latest after 2s ... With this all requirements are fulfilled.

Please try to get more details from Netatmo about exact reasons and timeframes

Hat sich mittlerweile geklärt, lag an einer verzögerten Weiterleitung der Abfragen...

Was genau meinst du? Verzögerte Weiterleitung der Anfragen? Wo wurde was verzögert?

Aber super das es gelöst ist!