
Live Events Rauchmelder/COMelder

Closed this issue · 9 comments


I have recognized, that the live events are not working correctly - or let's say there is something strange.
When I create a new ClientID and a new ClientSecret it works fine, but after a time - i don't know exactly - a day or a week... could also be some hours.... no live events will be recognized from iobroker any more.
Than i create a new clientID and secret and than it works again for some time.

I can't believe, that's this the idea from Netatmo behind to create always new clientID & secrets ...

Please can you check this?

  • netatmo Adapter version: 3.1.0
  • iot Adapter version: 1.14.3
  • node.js: 14.19.3

Thanks a lot!


No, this can notbe the idea ... Please make sure your connection to the cloud adapter is stable ... We had one user where Netatmo blocked the cloud connection because of too many errorts from iobroker cloud server but we never could find out the reason because the cloud server normally always answer ok irrelevant what happened. If this happens it is activated again by Netatmo after some time. But as said we need more details from Netatmo for the reasons. Please chekc if this could be the issue?

PS: Maybe piut the iot Adapter into debug log and check there when the requests come in and if you see error sat the timepoint where it stops

so it seems, that the problems starts after 7-8 days.
Today i tried again.... iot adapter is working fine from my point of view... here are the log output...

2023-05-15 09:45:45.629 - debug: iot.0 (2113) Data: "{"user_id":"62683dca67ee3fxxxxxxxxxx","event_type":"sound_test","device_id":"XX:XX:XX:XX:da:1e","home_id":"6268401f55ba34xxxxxxxxxx","home_name":"SmartHomeNetatmo","camera_id":"XX:XX:XX:XX:da:1e","event_id":"6461e32e961629xxxxxxxxxx","sub_type":0,"push_type":"NCO-sound_test"}"
2023-05-15 09:45:45.799 - debug: iot.0 (2113) Response: {"result":"Ok"}
2023-05-15 09:45:45.799 - debug: iot.0 (2113) [REMOTE] Send command to 'response/XXXXXX/netatmo: {"result":"Ok"}


So Requests are coming in but adaoter is not updateing them? Or is this the kast request that came in that worked? A bit more infos and context would be cool

oh, sorry... so the netatmo adapter don't update the objects in iobroker...
fom log file i can see...:
.... "events":[{"id":"6461e3426ae38cxxxxxxxxxx","type":"sound_test","time":1684136770,"module_id":"70:ee:XX:XX:XX:XX","message":"SmartRauchmelder: Alarmton erfolgreich getestet","sub_type":0},....

So, the timestamp would be correct, which the adapter will get from netatmo...


Okl, then please also netatmo adapter into debug more and share the full log that I can see both adapters

Okl, then please also netatmo adapter into debug more and share the full log that I can see both adapters

Hi Apollon77. Since some weeks I have the Netatmo adapter installed because I purchased the "netatmoCOSensor". But I get only values under the info folder like id, name, room and setup_date. The rest of the values is always "(null"). Today I tried it also with an iot instance, but the same behavior. Can you help me? My goal is to trigger an alarm via Alexa because the CO sensor is placed in the basement in the heating room.

You need to
1.) enable CO2 in settings
2.) Do a new authorization in admin settings - so log in anew to update permissions for the new type
3.) Enable getting events and such
4.) Assign an iot instance which is coud connected, see readme

Then I would expect it to work