
Sensor values are incorrect in IoBroker. (system is unchanged)

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug
Sensor values in IoBroker are wrong. Netatmo app displays correct values.
To Reproduce
Check last sensor updates in iobroker objects and compare them with Netatmo app sensor values

Expected behavior
IoBroker has same values than Netatmo app.
Screenshots & Logfiles
If applicable, add screenshots and logfiles to help explain your problem.

iobroker Version v3.1.0
OS: Debian

Additional context
Netatmo changed the netatmo web-gui. Value updates are not working since April, the 16th.


same issue here. Noticed today. Adapter version 3.1.0.
Thanks much for looking into it.

Best, Flo

Is the account linking still working?

And PS: Was there any emails in the last time informing about an update or such? I'm not aware of anything. Ideally please try to login with Netatmo again- ideally set adaopter to debug log before that and then post a full log of this "login" ad also the restart afterwards.

I only know of a potential change planned for May 29, 2024 ... but not before (but also this change should be irrelevant for how the adapter works.

For me the problem miraculously resolved itself over night. Values are coming in correctly again. No obvious issues in logs, except a known schema warning (to be ignored). No emails from Netatmo. Probably a temp. issue on their side. Thanks much for coming back so quickly on this and sorry for the troubs from my side.

Same for me. Everything seems to work perfectly again.

Ok great :-)

And as said fpr the changes they planned end of may the adapter should already be handling anything correctly ... but if something arise just open Issue please