
Dataset licenses need attention

durack1 opened this issue · 2 comments

On 11/25/19, 11:44 PM, "Martina Stockhause" wrote:
    Meanwhile, I have spot-checked the licenses in the NetCDF headers and 
    have found some issues:
    * Some centers did not change the license template:
    ** some have a license with the star place holder or with brackets, e.g.
    Creative Commons Attribution-[*]ShareAlike 4.0 or
    Creative Commons Attribution-[NonCommercial-]ShareAlike 4.0
    ** ECMWF has used their own British Crown license (The license for 
    ECMWF's CMIP6 data is CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)    
    ** some acknowledge PCMDI as creator of the data e.g. CAS or INM for CMIP6
    * input4MIPs has additionally the issues:
    ** two centers have not specified a license:  IACETH, NCAS
    As the license is part of the data header, we cannot do much about it 
    for CMIP6. For CMIP7 it would be better to collect license information 
    together with the registration and enable CMOR to write the registered 
    license properly into the data header.


@durack1 We should also harmonize the source_id content for input4MIPs with that of CMIP6 as much as possible. For the new content discussed for CMIP6 (WCRP-CMIP/CMIP6_CVs#1050), there are:

CMIP6 input4MIPs comment
contact exceptions_contact contact MS: different formatting of provided email addresses
url source-specific_info further_info_url MS: Is the content comparable? I will add one url per model in the database of the citation service.
history history -
rights_identifier rights_identifier -
rights rights -
rights_info rights_info -

@MartinaSt agreed, add this to the to-do list of cleanups for input4MIPs. Having said this, it may require some discussion with the dataset providers, as unlike with CMIP6 discussion of licenses, and default license templates were not made available to the dataset providers for them to consider