
Sometimes DL License Scanner crashed on iPhone6

Closed this issue · 16 comments

Sometimes DL License Scanner crashed on iPhone6.

Did you have any experience with this issue before?
Thank you

None so far. Does it always happen with same DL? If yes, can you provide an image of the barcode? Also, can you provide stack trace of the crash?

We got crash with this DL.


We tried scanning both barcodes you've attached with latest PhoneDap SDK on our iPhone 6. There were no crashes.

Are you using latest SDK?

Can you send us the stack trace of the crash?

do you have example phonegap app to test easily on my side?

And Please check on iPhone5 and 5s also.

Stack trace reveals you're using very old version of PDF417 SDK. This issue has been fixed in new versions.

Is there a reason why you don't upgrade the SDK?

Kind regards,

okay, let me try after upgrade sdk.

[E] internalGetLicenseToken [AppProtection.cpp:389] 2016-03-23 00:49:14.152 Patient Tracker[960:561231] Invalid key length! Key should have 8 blocks of 8 characters!
2016-03-23 00:49:14.194 Patient Tracker[960:561231] Phone default language unsupported, setting English
2016-03-23 00:49:14.201 Patient Tracker[960:561231] THREAD WARNING: ['Pdf417Scanner'] took '66.673096' ms. Plugin should use a background thread.
[E] -[PPCoordinator checkLicenseKey] [PPCoordinator.mm:576] 2016-03-23 00:49:14.958 Patient Tracker[960:561231] Invalid license key J2J6-ITFJ-VCED-4UJP-3U57-4BEO-DJYM-CIEI. Refusing to load native library!
[E] -[PPCoordinator checkLicenseKey] [PPCoordinator.mm:583] 2016-03-23 00:49:14.959 Patient Tracker[960:561231] App ID is com.knowledgecenter.patient, library version 4.2.0
[E] validateRecognizerSettingsArray [RecognizerSettingsValidator.cpp:55] 2016-03-23 00:49:14.960 Patient Tracker[960:561320]
Licence token is either null or invalid. You need a valid license key to use the SDK.

FREE demo license keys can be obtained on http://www.microblink.com!

Check that:

  1. You generated a demo license key on http://www.microblink.com, or use otherwise obtained license key
  2. You use the key for the right platform (don't mix iOS and Android keys)
  3. You use the key for the right bundle identifier (License key is linked to exactly one Bundle ID, no wildcards)
    2016-03-23 00:49:14.966 Patient Tracker[960:561320] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'Recognizer initialization failed', reason: '
    Licence token is either null or invalid. You need a valid license key to use the SDK.

FREE demo license keys can be obtained on http://www.microblink.com!

Check that:

  1. You generated a demo license key on http://www.microblink.com, or use otherwise obtained license key
  2. You use the key for the right platform (don't mix iOS and Android keys)
  3. You use the key for the right bundle identifier (License key is linked to exactly one Bundle ID, no wildcards)

*** First throw call stack:
(0x1836c9900 0x182d37f80 0x10028d0c8 0x100731bf0 0x100731bb0 0x10073e6c8 0x1007358a0 0x100731bb0 0x100740e10 0x1007404d8 0x183331470 0x183331020)
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

and We used the paid license key we bought several months ago.
we need to buy again for this new SDK?

Hi, you can generate trial licence key on MicroBlink Developer Dashboard.

For updating your paid licence key, please contact sales@microblink.com


did you manage to resolve the issue with the new license key?

Yes. Scan works, but it works only one time, If I tried to scan again, then scan is not working.
here is console log.
hope this is helpful.

Patient Tracker[287:60680] Warning: Attempt to present <CDVCameraPicker: 0x125965e00> on <MainViewController: 0x1256454c0> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!
Patient Tracker[287:60680] Warning: Attempt to present <CameraViewController: 0x126a59570> on <MainViewController: 0x1256454c0> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!
Patient Tracker[287:60680] Warning: Attempt to present <CDVCameraPicker: 0x125969200> on <MainViewController: 0x1256454c0> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!
Patient Tracker[287:60680] Error in Success callbackId: Pdf417Scanner326430938 : ReferenceError: Can't find variable: hex2a
Patient Tracker[287:60680] Snapshotting a view that has not been rendered results in an empty snapshot. Ensure your view has been rendered at least once before snapshotting or snapshot after screen updates.

Hi @sirius2013,
this issue is opened for a long time.
Is this still an issue for you?
Can we help you in any way?

culoi commented

Closing the issue, please reopen if you have additional questions or contact us directly at support@microblink.com