
Add support for no submodules, similar to blinkid-phonegap

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Please add support for like in blinkid-phonegap where no git submodules are needed.
See commit b69fe9c1adf032130ce24e97ed23f0a0928954b7 in blinkid-phonegap

Hi @veti-io,

can you for starters confirm that the method we developed on BlinkID works for both iOS and Android?

I am working on that now and once I have my app deployed through iOS and Google Play stores I will report back here on my success.

lirfu commented

Hi @veti-io,

the new release v1.2.0 removes the submodule dependency on Android.

Please report on your success with the new integration.

@Cerovec I was able to deploy to both app stores with BlinkID phonegap. I haven't tried the PDF417 library though I assume it would be the same or very similar.

culoi commented

Closing the issue, please reopen if you have additional questions or contact us directly at support@microblink.com