PDL::Core::pdumphash mutates ndarrays
Closed this issue · 1 comments
mohawk2 commented
This reproduces:
my $x = sequence 3; $x->doflow; my $y = $x + 1;
isnt $y->trans_parent, undef, '$y has parent';
isnt PDL::Core::pdumphash($x), undef, 'pdumphash works';
isnt $y->trans_parent, undef, '$y still has parent after pdumphash';
The cause of this, identified using:
make core && perl -Mblib -MPDL -e '$|=1; PDL::Core::set_debugging(1);
$x = sequence 3; $x->doflow; $y = $x + 1;
print "BEFORE\n"; $_->dump for $x, $y;
PDL::Core::pdumphash($x); ' |perl Example/address-pseudonymise |&less
is almost certainly that the intermediate ndarray created in the addition above gets attached to an SV which is returned by $trans->parent
. This SV then gets destroyed, which then makes the ndarray look like it's not needed (it had an SV which has now gone away), so it gets destroyed.
mohawk2 commented
This was fixed by adding a state
flag when attaching an SV to pdl
s that didn't have one before, in Core.xs
. That was then detected and reversed in DESTROY
, without then carrying on to do pdl_destroy