
Check for PII LOINC Codes

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PCORnet has identified LOINC Codes that potentially contain PII. It is necessary to do the following:

  • Check the PEDSnet data for these loinc codes (if present provide information to PCORnet Transformation Group)
  • Edit the pcornet transform to filter these codes out systematically

v4.1 PEDSnet Data Counts

Most LOINC codes in PEDSnet are coming in as records in the measurement table.

Checking the measurement table for the list of PII Codes:

site Concept_class_id # Measurement.measurement_id
chop Clinical Observation 17
colorado Clinical Observation 4435
nemours Clinical Observation 639
stlouis Clinical Observation 12

Based on the conventions, records with the concept_class_id='Clinical Observation' are to be put into the OBS_CLIN. Searching for these loinc codes in obs_clin does not yield results.

site # obs_clin.obsclinid
chop 0
colorado 0
nemours 0
stlouis 0

Looking at the ETL the following are only being included in obs_clin so these are being filtered out from PCORnet:

  • previous vital table data (bp, height, weight, tobacco,bmi)
  • Vaping
  • Temperature
  • Respiratory Rate
  • Heart Rate
  • FiO2
  • SPo2

Tagging @baileych @razzaghih @piglet25