
Matching query clauses use wrong alias

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dorxy commented

I have a Users table and a UserLoginCredentials table.
A User hasMany LoginCredentials, and in that association the targetTable has manually been set to the UserLoginCredentials table.

If I now create a query with a matching clause, the following SQL is generated and will (of course) not properly execute.

SELECT [a lot of selects] FROM users Users INNER JOIN user_login_credentials LoginCredentials ON (LoginCredentials.identifier = :c0 AND = (LoginCredentials.user_id) AND UserLoginCredentials.deleted IS NULL) WHERE Users.deleted IS NULL LIMIT 1

I have checked the code and could not easily find something to fix this, but I find it curious that the original query object has the correct repository name (LoginCredentials) while this name is not present in the triggerBeforeFind function in which the deleted statement is added.

Perhaps something to fix in the future.