

lloydsheng opened this issue · 3 comments

def wxwork_notifier(download_url)
    webhook_url = options[:wxwork_webhook]
    webhook_url ||= "{options[:wxwork_access_token]}"
    return if webhook_url.blank?

这个问题导致在 macOS Big Sur 上用 fir fastlane 插件报错

[14:11:04]: fastlane finished with errors
[14:11:04]: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:11:04]: SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server hello A
[14:11:04]: SSL errors can be caused by various components on your local machine.
[14:11:04]: The best solution is to use the self-contained fastlane version.
[14:11:04]: Which ships with a bundled OpenSSL,ruby and all gems - so you don't depend on system libraries
[14:11:04]:  - Use Homebrew
[14:11:04]:     - update brew with `brew update`
[14:11:04]:     - install fastlane using:
[14:11:04]:       - `brew install fastlane`
[14:11:04]:  - Use One-Click-Installer:
[14:11:04]:     - download fastlane at
[14:11:04]:     - extract the archive and double click the `install`

看起来像是SSL证书的问题 ? 禁用的话 保持 wxwork_webhook 为空即可

我傻了 是有个 bug 我来修一下
