
website links to php files are broken

Closed this issue · 5 comments

eg PhpCsFixer\ConfigInterface

I use this issue, but please tell me if you prefer i open a new one...

Many links on are dead now, and the <title> is always "PHP Coding Standards Fixer"


Do you want/need a hand on that matter ?

about dead links - exactly the probem for which I created this github issue

about <title> - can you elaborate on your concern here?

about <title> - can you elaborate on your concern here?

Hi! Thanks for the other fix!

The meta <title> tag is the same on every pages it seems, or at least on some.


Capture d’écran 2023-11-14 à 02 43 28

Imho, it "should" be something like:

<title>Custom Rules - PhpCsFixer</title>

This has two (midly) annoying effect:

  • i cannot differenciate the page when i open multiple tags (or in my history, favorite maganagement tools, etc..)
  • it's sometimes harder to find those pages on Google (this one is not a good example)
Capture d’écran 2023-11-14 à 02 46 21

got you know. Then I consider it as separated feature request and not as bug report, especially bug report about broken links.

if you up for it, please send a PR with proposal.

got you know. Then I consider it as separated feature request and not as bug report, especially bug report about broken links.

if you up for it, please send a PR with proposal.

Of course, PR incoming then :)