How to show hidden columns of a table in "phpoffice/phpword"?
sergeynilov opened this issue · 5 comments
Describe the bug and add attachments
In laravel 10 app using "phpoffice/phpword": "^1.2" I need to write with several columns with long width
and resulting table in docx file looks not goood, as passing data with 6 columns :
$tableColumns = [
['column_id' => 'doc_code', 'title' => 'Document code', 'width' => 1500, 'align' => 'left'],
['column_id' => 'doc_title', 'title' => 'Document title', 'width' => 5000],
['column_id' => 'doc_type', 'title' => 'Type', 'width' => 2000],
['column_id' => 'doc_status', 'title' => 'Status', 'width' => 2000],
['column_id' => 'department_name', 'title' => 'Department', 'width' => 3000],
['column_id' => 'applied_from', 'title' => 'applied_from', 'width' => 1500],
$this->addTableWithData( // table with employee docs
dataArray: $docsData,
columnsArray: $tableColumns,
titleWordTextLineEnum: 'HeaderText'
Reading here I did not find if this table hase any horizontal scrolling
protected function addTableWithData(array $dataArray, array $columnsArray, string $titleWordTextLineEnum, string $tableHeader= ''): void
// \Log::info(QuizzesInitFacade::varDump($dataArray, ' -1 addTableWithData $dataArray::'));
$section = $this->phpWord->addSection(['marginTop' => 50, 'marginLeft' => 50, 'marginRight' => 50,
'marginBottom' => 50, 'breakType' => 'continuous']);
$fontStyle = $this->setFontStyleByWordTextLineEnum($titleWordTextLineEnum);
if($tableHeader) {
$textElement = $section->addText('Answers');
$rows = count($dataArray);
$cols = count($columnsArray);
$table = $section->addTable($this->getTableStyle());
for ($col = 0; $col < $cols; $col++) {
$table->addCell($columnsArray[$col]['width'])->addText(Str::headline($columnsArray[$col]['title']), $this->getTableHeaderLineStyle(), array('align' => 'center'));
for ($row = 0; $row < $rows; $row++) {
for ($col = 0; $col < $cols; $col++) {
$cellValue = '';
if(isset($dataArray[$row][$columnsArray[$col]['column_id']])) {
$columnId = $columnsArray[$col]['column_id'];
$val = $dataArray[$row][$columnId] ?? '';
$cellValue = $this->getTableCellValue($val, $columnId, $row, $col);
$cellAlign = 'left';
if(!empty($columnsArray[$col]['align'])) {
$cellAlign = $columnsArray[$col]['align'];
$table->addCell($columnsArray[$col]['width'])->addText($cellValue, $this->getTableContentRowLineStyle(), array('align' => $cellAlign)) ;
protected function addTableWithData(array $dataArray, array $columnsArray, string $titleWordTextLineEnum, string $tableHeader= ''): void
$section = $this->phpWord->addSection(['marginTop' => 600, 'marginLeft' => 600, 'marginRight' => 600,
'marginBottom' => 600, 'breakType' => 'continuous']); // I tried to set margin props bigger -no effect
// $section has no any getSettings function :
// dd($section->getSettings()); // If to uncomment this line it shows "Null" - so error Call to a member function setMarginLeft() on null on next line
It seems to me that I create $section
in the same way ... Also looking at
I did not any examples that getSettings
method in $section
- If there a way somehow show 6 columns with big width ?
- In my code above I show columns with width. Which is biggest summary of all columns ?
Expected behavior
actually I see only 4 columns : 1st and 6th columns are not visible
Steps to reproduce
PHPWord version(s) where the bug happened
PHP version(s) where the bug happened
- I want to crowdfund the bug fix (with @algora-io) and fund a community developer.
- I want to pay the bug fix and fund a maintainer for that. (Contact @Progi1984)
@sergeynilov Hi have you got a sample file with scrolling bar in table, please ?
@Progi1984, have I to check this feature implemented ? Which version of PHPOffice/PHPWord must I use for checkin ?
@sergeynilov No. I Need a sample file for checking how to implement it.
If you mean an example of resulting docx file I attach it:
I created 6 columns with structure
$tableColumns = [
['column_id' => 'doc_code', 'title' => 'Document code', 'width' => 1500, 'align' => 'left'],
['column_id' => 'doc_title', 'title' => 'Document title', 'width' => 5000],
['column_id' => 'doc_type', 'title' => 'Type', 'width' => 2000],
['column_id' => 'doc_status', 'title' => 'Status', 'width' => 2000],
['column_id' => 'department_name', 'title' => 'Department', 'width' => 3000],
['column_id' => 'applied_from', 'title' => 'applied_from', 'width' => 1500],
but only 4 are visible .
@sergeynilov I want a docx file with a table with scrolling bar as expected result. That allows me to analyze the Docx file structure.