
xlim and ylim parameter documentation

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SSplotModelComp, SSplotEnsemble, SSplotHCXval, SSplotJABBAres, SSplotRetro, SSplotRunsTest has the xlim parameter, but it is documented differently.

xlim SSplot parameters

  • SSplotModelComp
    • xlim = "default"
    • @param xlim Optional, values for x-axis range of years to display on plot. Default = "default" displays all years of available data. (currently not used)
  • SSplotEnsemble
    • xlim = NULL
    • @param xlim Optional, years to use for x-axis. Default NULL uses all years available.
  • SSplotHCXval
    • xlim = "default"
    • @param xlim Optional, values for x-axis range of years to display on plot. Default = "default" displays all years of available data. (currently not in use)
  • SSplotJABBAres
    • xlim = "default"
    • @param xlim Optional, values for x-axis range of years to display on plot.
  • SSplotRetro
    • xlim = NULL
    • @param xlim optional xlim, which overwrites xmin
  • SSplotRunsTest
    • xlim = "default"
    • @param xlim Optional, values for x-axis range of years to display on plot. Default = "default" displays all years of available data.

The different methods used in each SSplot vary the usage of xlim. Some of the functions do not implement the parameter. #69

ylim SSplot parameters

ylim documentation is similar, but limited to a set of SSplots

  • SSplotJABBAres and SSplotRunsTest lists the ylim parameter and sets it to "default"
    • SSplotJABBAres: @param ylim Optional, min and max values for the ylim to override the "default" value (-0.7, 0.5)
    • SSplotRunsTest: @param ylim Optional, values for y-axis range to display on plot. Default = "default" will range from -1 to 1.
  • SSplotRetro and SSplotHCXval lists the ylim parameter and sets it to NULL.
    • SSplotRetro: @param ylim option to specify ylim range
    • SSplotHCXval: @param ylim will over-write ylimAdj if specified
  • SSplotModelcomp and SSplotEnsemble do not list ylim as an parameter. It is defined within the function

Created SSplotGeneric to inherit common SSplot parameters (#94)

#' @param xlim
#' Optional, years to use for x-axis. Default value NULL (or "default"),
#' uses all years available.