I was trying to convert hair_segmentation.tflite in google colab. and getting following error.
soham24 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
output json command = /content/flatbuffers/build/flatc -t --strict-json --defaults-json -o . /content/flatbuffers/build/schema.fbs -- /content/hair_segmentation.tflite
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/tflite2tensorflow", line 2882, in
File "/usr/local/bin/tflite2tensorflow", line 2556, in main
ops, op_types = parse_json(jsonfile_path)
File "/usr/local/bin/tflite2tensorflow", line 247, in parse_json
j = json.load(open(jsonfile_path))
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './/content/hair_segmentation.json'
Colabo does not have enough permissions to access flatc. Please execute the following command. However, it does not seem to work properly on Google Colabo at the moment.
$ chmod +x flatc
yeah you are right @PINTO0309 , I had tried with chmod but it was giving same error.
I will try to build it on local machine
Thank you so much for this
this is great work friend
The version has been upgraded to v1.3.0, adding support for building environments with Docker and support for Google Colab. Please see the README. The Docker procedure requires 10GB of free space on the host machine.
@PINTO0309 The output shape of the hair_segmentation tflite model is [1,512,512,2] but when I use your script to generate and invoke tfjs version, the model gives a tensor of [1,128,128,4] as output. Do you have any solutions?
@PINTO0309 its same in the graph posted by on this issue 1,128,128,4
Is this some conversion issue?
Fixed bugs and upgraded to v1.3.5. hair_segmentation.tflite conversion is now supported. 97389f7
I've attached the converted .pb, saved_model and .tflite.
it is fixed .
thank you @PINTO0309