Feature Request - Allow PIVX wallet to be fully installed on a separate partition.

Lulzzzz opened this issue · 1 comments

Feature Request - Allow PIVX wallet to be fully installed in a separate partition.

When installing the PIVX wallet on a PC you can direct the install to a separate partition, however the PIVX installation still creates a dependency on the C:\Users\myPC\AppData\Roaming\ area of the C drive. Without this, the PIVX wallet wont function.

Wallets such as DOGE, FIRO and Monero allow for this. Directing a full install of these wallets to a separate partition such as D drive, it works and does not install any dependencies on the C drive. Windows only creates shortcuts to a D drive install on the C drive. You can delete every remnant instance on the C drive of those wallets if completely installed on another partition. Meaning, Windows will create shortcuts again in the registry and in C:\Users\myPC\AppData\Roaming\ when you open the wallets installed in another partition.

The whole idea here is to fully install the PIVX wallet on a separate partition and have the wallet completely survive a C drive wipe or corruption. Meaning if you fully reinstall the OS to the C drive, and then open the wallet fully installed on the D drive, the wallet remains fully functional. This can be done with DOGE, Monero, FIRO wallets. PIVX on the other hand creates a complete dependency on the C drive by not allowing a complete install on another partition.

Hey Fuzzbawls, cant you at least put a "Feature Request" label on this so it can be a consideration for a feature request?