
Application fails to render anything

Opened this issue · 4 comments

whenever I attempt to render a level, It spits out this error immediately:

[23:16:25 ERR] Exception while rendering!
Drizzle.Logic.Rendering.RenderCameraException: Exception on camera 1
---> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter 'index')
at CallSite.Target(Closure, CallSite, Object, Object)
at Drizzle.Ported.MovieScript.setuplayer(Object layer) in /home/runner/work/Drizzle/Drizzle/Drizzle.Ported/Translated/Movie.levelRendering.cs:line 348
at Drizzle.Logic.Rendering.LevelRenderer.RenderLayers() in /home/runner/work/Drizzle/Drizzle/Drizzle.Logic/Rendering/LevelRenderer.RenderCore.cs:line 160
at Drizzle.Logic.Rendering.LevelRenderer.DoRender() in /home/runner/work/Drizzle/Drizzle/Drizzle.Logic/Rendering/LevelRenderer.RenderCore.cs:line 50
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Drizzle.Logic.Rendering.LevelRenderer.DoRender() in /home/runner/work/Drizzle/Drizzle/Drizzle.Logic/Rendering/LevelRenderer.RenderCore.cs:line 85
at Drizzle.Editor.ViewModels.Render.RenderViewModel.RenderThread() in /home/runner/work/Drizzle/Drizzle/Drizzle.Editor/ViewModels/Render/RenderViewModel.cs:line 241

What level are you trying to render? Also you're not trying to render any projects from 1.9 (Downpour) right?

It doesn't support Downpour content yet, right?

I'm facing the same exception. I believe that's the reason.
here's my level that I'm trying to render.


Yeah it doesn't support DP/Community stuff. I think Slime has a branch for it here, but i don't know the status of that: https://github.com/SlimeCubed/Drizzle