0.5.0: man target errors
kloczek opened this issue · 4 comments
kloczek commented
[tkloczko@barrel libcbor-0.5.0]$ make -C doc man
make: Entering directory '/home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILD/libcbor-0.5.0/doc'
sphinx-build -b man -d build/doctrees source build/man
Running Sphinx v2.2.2
WARNING: Support for evaluating Python 2 syntax is deprecated and will be removed in Sphinx 4.0. Convert /home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILD/libcbor-0.5.0/doc/source/conf.py to Python 3 syntax.
/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sphinx/util/docutils.py:283: RemovedInSphinx30Warning: function based directive support is now deprecated. Use class based directive instead.
warnings.warn('function based directive support is now deprecated. '
WARNING: html_static_path entry '_static' does not exist
loading pickled environment... done
building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date
building [man]: all manpages
updating environment: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
looking for now-outdated files... none found
writing... libcbor.1 { getting_started using api api/item_types api/item_reference_counting api/decoding api/encoding api/type_0_1 api/type_2 api/type_3 api/type_4 api/type_5 api/type_6 api/type_7 streaming streaming/decoding streaming/encoding tests rfc_conformance internal changelog development } /home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILD/libcbor-0.5.0/doc/source/api/item_reference_counting.rst:13: WARNING: unknown document: getting_started
/home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILD/libcbor-0.5.0/doc/source/api/type_0_1.rst:33: WARNING: undefined label: item-types (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header)
/home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILD/libcbor-0.5.0/doc/source/api/type_7.rst:67: WARNING: Unparseable C++ cross-reference: 'float'
Error in cross-reference.
If shorthand ref:
Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name, got keyword: float [error at 5]
If full function ref:
Error when parsing function declaration.
If the function has no return type:
Error in declarator or parameters and qualifiers
Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name, got keyword: float [error at 5]
If the function has a return type:
Error in declarator or parameters and qualifiers
If pointer to member declarator:
Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 5]
If declarator-id:
Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 5]
/home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILD/libcbor-0.5.0/doc/source/rfc_conformance.rst:14: WARNING: Unparseable C++ cross-reference: 'float'
Error in cross-reference.
If shorthand ref:
Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name, got keyword: float [error at 5]
If full function ref:
Error when parsing function declaration.
If the function has no return type:
Error in declarator or parameters and qualifiers
Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name, got keyword: float [error at 5]
If the function has a return type:
Error in declarator or parameters and qualifiers
If pointer to member declarator:
Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 5]
If declarator-id:
Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 5]
/home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILD/libcbor-0.5.0/doc/source/internal.rst:65: WARNING: Unparseable C++ cross-reference: 'cbor_item_t.data'
Error in cross-reference.
If shorthand ref:
Invalid definition: Expected end of definition. [error at 11]
If full function ref:
Error when parsing function declaration.
If the function has no return type:
Error in declarator or parameters and qualifiers
Invalid definition: Expecting "(" in parameters_and_qualifiers. [error at 11]
If the function has a return type:
Error in declarator or parameters and qualifiers
If pointer to member declarator:
Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 11]
If declarator-id:
Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 11]
/home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILD/libcbor-0.5.0/doc/source/internal.rst:81: WARNING: Unparseable C++ cross-reference: 'cbor_item_t.type'
Error in cross-reference.
If shorthand ref:
Invalid definition: Expected end of definition. [error at 11]
If full function ref:
Error when parsing function declaration.
If the function has no return type:
Error in declarator or parameters and qualifiers
Invalid definition: Expecting "(" in parameters_and_qualifiers. [error at 11]
If the function has a return type:
Error in declarator or parameters and qualifiers
If pointer to member declarator:
Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 11]
If declarator-id:
Invalid definition: Expected identifier in nested name. [error at 11]
build succeeded, 8 warnings.
The manual pages are in build/man.
Build finished. The manual pages are in build/man.
kloczek commented
I think that it is yet another small thich which could be done related to man pages.
Looks like library documentation is generated as man page lvl 1 when usually such documentation should be generated as lvl 3.
kloczek commented
Something like that
--- a/doc/source/conf.py~ 2020-04-25 13:01:23.000000000 +0100
+++ b/doc/source/conf.py 2020-09-20 14:20:28.898663033 +0100
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
('index', 'libcbor', 'libcbor Documentation',
- ['Pavel Kalvoda'], 1)
+ ['Pavel Kalvoda'], 3)
# If true, show URL addresses after external links.