
Parse embedded SCTs

Opened this issue · 5 comments

It would be great, if the tool could parse SCT log entries as described here: . Probably doing so has the same problems as solving this issue #5 ?

I believe, SCT data decoding is out of ASN.1 Editor scope. A different tool that supports SCT data types shall be used to decode SCT data.

Well, SCT data is ASN1 data included in the certificate.

In this case, as described by the spec, those bytes happen to contain more DER. This is a fairly common pattern in X.509 to deal with parameterized data. For instance, this allows defining a structure for extensions without knowing ahead of time all the structures that a future extension might want to carry in its value.

As this is a fairly common patterns I still think this would a valuable add on to your lovely little tool. If you would give me an indication that you would accept a Pull Request, I would implement it by my self and send you a PR.

SignedCertificateTimestampList is not encoded using DER it is related to ASN editor? Don't get me wrong, I would like to allow the editor to determine decoded message type and provide more details, but it is a hell of work to make every single X.509 data type recognizable. So I'm positioning the tool as a general-purpose ASN viewer/editor which may or may not be strictly X.509 or whatever else.

Got it - you were right. The SCTs are not encoded in ASN1 :-(

Never the less, it would be great, if there would be a way to decode like SAN entries or SCTs. Any idea how this could be implemented in a way that doesn't break the design of you tool?