
No easy way to change text color once a color has been applied

Opened this issue · 3 comments

There doesn’t seem to be an easy way to change the color of text or highlights once a color has already been applied. The only way I can do this is by manually deleting the markdown formatting around the text that dictates the text color/highlight color, and then once this has been manually removed, re-apply a different color or highlight. Is this by design? Is there an easier way to switch between colors or simply overwrite a color/highlight with a different color/highlight, without having to manually remove the formatting? I’m using the latest version of Obsidian on Windows 10.

2.4.15 Applying a font colour will overwrite the previous colour value


2.4.15 Applying a font colour will overwrite the previous colour value

I still can't get this to work for some reason. In Edit mode, I select a sentence, hover over the text color selector, and choose a color. Then, when I click on the text again and the entire snippet gets selected (including the markdown code), as soon as I select a different color the text disappears.

Also, is there any way to configure more than five custom highlight colors or font colors?

I confirm this issue still exists