【EMNLP 2024🔥】Video-LLaVA: Learning United Visual Representation by Alignment Before Projection
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About the license
#139 opened - 0
Similarity index and time - codes
#138 opened - 2
Tendency to keep repeating the same sentence
#137 opened - 0
image / video with different MLPs
#136 opened - 1
Unable inference video locally.
#135 opened - 0
Gradio APP upgrade
#134 opened - 5
- 0
- 0
- 1
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- 14
finetune with lora
#127 opened - 1
- 0
Tokenizer in different code version
#125 opened - 4
Is there any way to speed up the inference
#124 opened - 10
- 1
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- 0
#120 opened - 1
Transformer version
#119 opened - 2
Huggingface data files - corrupted zip files?
#118 opened - 3
#117 opened - 2
Invalid link to MoE-LLaVA
#116 opened - 2
Parameter Explanations
#115 opened - 4
video eval error
#114 opened - 1
huggingface demo is broken
#113 opened - 2
- 1
- 1
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Inference on more than 8 frames
#108 opened - 3
- 1
Error while feeding the filter graph
#106 opened - 2
推理 GPU bug
#105 opened - 1
#104 opened - 3
Repository- transformers config missmatch
#103 opened - 10
Distributed Inference Doesn't Work
#102 opened - 1
- 3
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
#100 opened - 2
Finetuning with LORA
#99 opened - 1
IndexError: list index out of range
#98 opened - 1
Relation of Video-LLaVA and LanguageBind
#97 opened - 7
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#95 opened - 1
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Offline load checkpoint error
#93 opened - 10
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在online demo上传长视频时网页报错
#91 opened - 3
有人遇到运行视频推理index out of bounds这个问题吗?
#90 opened - 8