Pinned issues
- 12
related_queries NULL, data is not loaded
#465 opened by pricerices - 3
Error in start_top:end_top : NA/NaN argument after checking that there are no NAs and no NaNs
#460 opened by malteh123 - 30
Status code 429
#431 opened by juansqw - 6
Can not get any data
#458 opened by rezar362 - 2
# Run CI for R using name: ci on: push: pull_request: env: USE_BSPM: "true" _R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_: "false" jobs:not requried ci: strategy:make sure tests matrix: include:1 - {os: macOS-latest} - {os: ubuntu-latest} runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Bootstrap run: | curl -OLs chmod 0755 ./ bootstrap - name: Dependencies run: ./ install_all - name: Test run: ./ run_tests #- name: Coverage # if: ${{ matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' }} # run: ./ coverage
#463 opened by Khopdi666 - 1
Logical operator - excluding topic
#462 opened by liliagarciamanrique - 3
Data by Canadian cities
#461 opened by liliagarciamanrique - 1
Status code was not 200. Returned status code:401
#459 opened by malteh123 - 52
Status code was not 200. Returned status code:500
#451 opened by jdeverdun - 8
Zeroes returned for blocks of dates
#440 opened by coleeagland - 1
Error with all requests
#457 opened by davidgaut - 0
- 11
Error in start_top:end_top : NA/NaN argument
#449 opened by amitxy - 1
City codes?
#455 opened by eric-gengzhou - 11
R request results differ from Online request
#454 opened by Brummerling - 2
Proxy problems
#434 opened by paulcbauer - 4
Logic of input of keywords
#453 opened by lukschue - 2
inconsistencies with pulling data automatically
#452 opened by lukschue - 0
Plot doesn't match google trands website
#450 opened by amitxy - 5
Gtrends is not getting the most recent data
#448 opened by marcelobfr - 0
Unable to get query that are over one week.
#447 opened by wisechua - 3
Query by Subnational Location
#446 opened by JYao10 - 0
Explanation gtrends(keyword = NA, category = 3)
#445 opened by ilolic - 0
- 8
- 1
How to force multiple samples with gTrends
#442 opened by ilolic - 1
- 6
Generalize onlyInterest
#439 opened by MaelAstruc - 1
- 1
Using "gtrends" function in R in Brazil
#437 opened by Jgeraldo5 - 3
Status code was not 200. Returned status code:429
#436 opened by ReemOmer - 0
- 4
How to avoid HTTP status 429 (too many requests)?
#433 opened by Rombersoft - 2
Different results on UI vs R
#432 opened - 3
How to automate collections in Google Trends for different states using R?
#430 opened by Arthur-Filipe - 2
- 11
Inconsistent results when scraping the same timerange, place, keywords multiple times
#428 opened by annika-stechemesser - 1
gtrendsR returning different data when compared to Google Trends website
#427 opened by henriquefpires - 2
Daily search data for a longer period
#425 opened by prasadsourav - 2
Loop through a vector to get multiple period trends data for multiple keywords
#426 opened by prasadsourav - 1
Error in gtrends(keyword = (c("GOLD PRICES", "RECESSION", "GOLD PRICE", : length(keyword) <= 5 is not TRUE
#424 opened by prasadsourav - 2
Indexing error in gtrends if either TOP or RISING has zero entries for related topics
#423 opened by MalikStromberg - 12
Weekly data works for some weeks but not others
#422 opened by tamararen - 1
Error while parallel processing using furrr
#421 opened by shrikant2002 - 2
How do you turn off comparison?
#420 opened by marcyshieh - 16
Error in start_top:end_top : NA/NaN argument
#418 opened by shrikant2002 - 5
Release gtrendsR 1.5.1
#416 opened by PMassicotte - 1
Error in interest_over_time(widget, comparison_item, tz) : Status code was not 200. Returned status code:401
#417 opened by kamaldxb - 8
Status code was not 200. Returned status code:401 ERROR AND SUGGESTION FOR FIX
#414 opened by philipwlewis - 3
Compare more than five countries, compare multiple countries and multiple topics, get long timeperiods in smaller time resolution
#413 opened by mjohli