
Status code was not 200. Returned status code:401 ERROR AND SUGGESTION FOR FIX

philipwlewis opened this issue ยท 8 comments

From this afternoon I was getting a 401 error code on the requests. I looked into the URLs and compared to PyTrends package which was still working and noticed the userConfig userType set to USER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED

I added this into the payload creation and this seemed to fix the error

payload2$userConfig$userType <- "USER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED"

Thanks for writing the nice package - hope this will help!

Still works here without it:

> library(gtrendsR)
> res <- gtrends("covid19")
> str(res)
List of 7
 $ interest_over_time :'data.frame':	260 obs. of  7 variables:
  ..$ date    : POSIXct[1:260], format: "2017-05-28" "2017-06-04" "2017-06-11" "2017-06-18" ...
  ..$ hits    : int [1:260] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..$ keyword : chr [1:260] "covid19" "covid19" "covid19" "covid19" ...
  ..$ geo     : chr [1:260] "world" "world" "world" "world" ...
  ..$ time    : chr [1:260] "today+5-y" "today+5-y" "today+5-y" "today+5-y" ...
  ..$ gprop   : chr [1:260] "web" "web" "web" "web" ...
  ..$ category: int [1:260] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ interest_by_country:'data.frame':	250 obs. of  5 variables:
  ..$ location: chr [1:250] "Kiribati" "Uganda" "Solomon Islands" "Togo" ...
  ..$ hits    : chr [1:250] "" "100" "" "" ...
  ..$ keyword : chr [1:250] "covid19" "covid19" "covid19" "covid19" ...
  ..$ geo     : chr [1:250] "world" "world" "world" "world" ...
  ..$ gprop   : chr [1:250] "web" "web" "web" "web" ...
 $ interest_by_region : NULL
 $ interest_by_dma    :'data.frame':	306 obs. of  5 variables:
  ..$ location: chr [1:306] "Alpena MI" "Honolulu HI" "Juneau AK" "Boston MA-Manchester NH" ...
  ..$ hits    : int [1:306] 100 60 58 55 54 54 53 53 53 52 ...
  ..$ keyword : chr [1:306] "covid19" "covid19" "covid19" "covid19" ...
  ..$ geo     : chr [1:306] "world" "world" "world" "world" ...
  ..$ gprop   : chr [1:306] "web" "web" "web" "web" ...
 $ interest_by_city   :'data.frame':	200 obs. of  5 variables:
  ..$ location: chr [1:200] "Kampala" "Bankura" "Agartala" "Bhiwani" ...
  ..$ hits    : int [1:200] 100 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
  ..$ keyword : chr [1:200] "covid19" "covid19" "covid19" "covid19" ...
  ..$ geo     : chr [1:200] "world" "world" "world" "world" ...
  ..$ gprop   : chr [1:200] "web" "web" "web" "web" ...
 $ related_topics     :'data.frame':	20 obs. of  5 variables:
  ..$ subject       : chr [1:20] "100" "12" "6" "5" ...
  ..$ related_topics: chr [1:20] "top" "top" "top" "top" ...
  ..$ value         : chr [1:20] "Coronavirus disease 2019" "India" "Vaccine" "COVID-19 vaccine" ...
  ..$ keyword       : chr [1:20] "covid19" "covid19" "covid19" "covid19" ...
  ..$ category      : int [1:20] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..- attr(*, "reshapeLong")=List of 4
  .. ..$ varying:List of 1
  .. .. ..$ value: chr "top"
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "v.names")= chr "value"
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "times")= chr "top"
  .. ..$ v.names: chr "value"
  .. ..$ idvar  : chr "id"
  .. ..$ timevar: chr "related_topics"
 $ related_queries    :'data.frame':	50 obs. of  5 variables:
  ..$ subject        : chr [1:50] "100" "71" "27" "22" ...
  ..$ related_queries: chr [1:50] "top" "top" "top" "top" ...
  ..$ value          : chr [1:50] "covid" "covid 19" "covid19 cases" "covid19" ...
  ..$ keyword        : chr [1:50] "covid19" "covid19" "covid19" "covid19" ...
  ..$ category       : int [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..- attr(*, "reshapeLong")=List of 4
  .. ..$ varying:List of 1
  .. .. ..$ value: chr "top"
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "v.names")= chr "value"
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "times")= chr "top"
  .. ..$ v.names: chr "value"
  .. ..$ idvar  : chr "id"
  .. ..$ timevar: chr "related_queries"
 - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "gtrends" "list"


> plot(res)


Could it be something at your end?

I am also getting this error. Where comes from USER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED?

I looked at the url requests being made from the pytrends package that was still working for me and comparing the requests saw that it had the user type included unlike the gtrendsR request. I can't see where that is specified in the source code, but possibly it is picking up something that google sends back at some point? I am more of a hacker than being familiar with the API etc its odd that it worked for eddelbuettel (I teach a class and make use of the package for an assignment and a few students reported the issue). Let me know if I need to do anything on GitHub regarding the issue opening - this is my first time raising anything, Phil

We could triage, if we wanted to, over curl versions. It's a little strange that it bites in some cases but not in others. And I don't think the quick suggested fix -- already committed too !! -- will do any harm,

It's a little strange that it bites in some cases but not in others

And I can not see what could cause this. I will try to investigate more.

@philipwlewis I fixed the issue in a separate branch. Maybe you and your students can give it a try.

I was also getting this error so I tested the new branch version and the error went away.

Seems like the backend now tests for it. Odd.

Anyway, kudos to the pytrends team for the hint, to @philipwlewis for alerting us, and to @PMassicotte for a prompt update. Might be worth a routine quick update at CRAN too...

I will prepare a submission today.