
A way to *not* export numbered identifiers

Yu-Vitaqua-fer-Chronos opened this issue · 4 comments

Heya, when using futhark to wrap a library, it for some reason shows all of the numbered identifiers in autocomplete, and i think that it's due to the numbered identifiers being exported as well as the final alias? Is there any way to fix this as it is something that would in general be nice for IDE users

Any news on this?

Unfortunately not, I've just started a new job and gotten back from vacation so spare time to work on hobby projects has been sparse. It is on my todo list though

Ah completely fair, good luck!

This should be fixed in 0.7.2, by default these identifiers are no longer exported. They where originally exported so that nim doc would show the objects. The old behaviour can be enabled with -d:exportall, and for documentation it might be worth trying -d:nodeclguards.