
git bash doesn't like window style path parameters

quantumedbox opened this issue · 0 comments

When trying to invoke opir with windows paths (as futhark trying to do) under git bash host they're getting messed up.

$ opir -IC:\dev\codeberg-copy\ilotawa-nim\extern\flecs C:\Users\ПК\nimcache\ilotawa_d\futhark-includes.h
Fatal: 'C:UsersПКnimcacheilotawa_dfuthark-includes.h' file not found
Tried to parse: C:UsersПКnimcacheilotawa_dfuthark-includes.h
With arguments: -IC:devcodeberg-copyilotawa-nimexternflecs
Unable to parse translation unit succesfully. Quitting

Doing the same under cmd works.