
Opir exited with non-zero exit code 127

general-rishkin opened this issue · 2 comments

I get this error:

/home/grishkin/TestAtlasWorkspace/futhark/src/futhark.nim(717, 7) Hint: Running: opir -I/home/grishkin/TestAtlasWorkspace/graphlib -I/usr/lib/llvm-14/lib/clang/14.0.0/include /home/grishkin/.cache/nim/test0_d/futhark-includes.h [User]
stack trace: (most recent call last)
/home/grishkin/TestAtlasWorkspace/futhark/src/futhark.nim(726, 9) importcImpl
/home/grishkin/TestAtlasWorkspace/graphlib/test0.nim(5, 1) template/generic instantiation of importc from here
/home/grishkin/TestAtlasWorkspace/futhark/src/futhark.nim(661, 14) template/generic instantiation of importcImpl from here
/home/grishkin/TestAtlasWorkspace/futhark/src/futhark.nim(726, 9) Error: Opir exited with non-zero exit code 127.
Opir output:
/bin/sh: 1: opir: not found

The test file is very simle:

import futhark


FYI: I have an atlas workspace and a testproject beneath this.

Well the error message is pretty clear:

/bin/sh: 1: opir: not found

Opir simply can't be found. I assume Atlas maybe doesn't build packages it installs, or it places them somewhere not generally accessible.

You are correct. This seems to be the case because I used nimble instead and it worked fine.