
Stuck on "Booting up PAL"

mikan9 opened this issue · 3 comments

When launching PAL2 (with or without admin privileges) it gets stuck on "Booting up PAL", the main window is however still accessible, except for the fact that when you enter the menu with About, AutoHotKey, Disclaimer tabs you're unable to go back out to the main layout.

There's also no PAL folder generated in AppData/Local and the log file, although generated is empty.

Also added exceptions to my firewall and antivirus application, to no avail.

EDIT: Tried running PAL2 on another computer, this time the configuration window loaded up and I was able to set everything up without any problems. Still can't figure out why it refuses to work on my main computer though. Both are running Windows 10 Pro x64 with JRE & JDK 8 installed.

i have exactly issue like this, hope it will be solved soon

Is it in a folder that requires administrative privileges?

No input from anyone involved, closing for now.