
[New App Shortcut]: CANAL+

Closed this issue · 3 comments

App Name


Device Platform


App Store Link and/or URL to .apk file if sideloaded

Application Details

adb_response: mSurface=Surface(name=)/@0x77e70ed

Optional Comments

supported_features: 23997
app_id: com.canalplus.canalplus
app_name: com.canalplus.canalplus
source: com.canalplus.canalplus

Greetings @TPM-dev!

Since this app isn't available through the Google Play store in my region, I had to sideload it for testing. To confirm that I've sideloaded and tested the same app that you are requesting, can you do me a quick favor?

  1. Go to the home screen on your Chromecast or open any app that isn't CANAL+
  2. Follow the same instructions you used when making this request, but only use steps 1-4. (skip step 0)
  3. Type or copy/paste this command instead of the one that is listed in step 5:
    adb shell am start -n com.canalplus.canalplus/
  4. Click the CALL SERVICE button.

Did CANAL+ open on your Chromecast?

If it didn't, what happens when you try this command?
adb shell am start -n com.canalplus.canalplus/tv.solocoo.htmlapp.FullscreenActivity

I look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks!



Thanks for taking the time to add this, and sorry for the late reply

I've followed the steps above and on the first service call: adb shell am start -n com.canalplus.canalplus/, nothing happened.

However on that other command: adb shell am start -n com.canalplus.canalplus/tv.solocoo.htmlapp.FullscreenActivity, the CANAL+ app started.

I guess you're on the right track!

Thanks for that info @TPM-dev!

Good news! I have just published Firemote version v3.4.3 which contains your CANAL+ app shortcut request. Enjoy!


After updating to the newest version, if you are unable to see the new updates on your Firemote card, visit this link for help.