Warn Producer if num of ad breaks is zero after previously containing at least one ad break

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Jeanne requested this. this is my summation...

TED Health reduced the number of adbreaks in an episode which caused a faked in midrolls to miss inventory targets. (more and more faked-ins are being sold on TED content).

  1. When the calendar draft was created, episode contained a midroll.
  2. Soundrise sold a faked in midroll targeted to this episode.
  3. Producer removed the midroll before publishing (changed template in Publish)
  4. The midroll missed inventory targets before Sponsorship or Ad Ops could catch it.

Proposed solution:
If there's at least one ad break set on the draft, and the producer decreases the count to zero ad breaks, the producer should be warned in a dialog that says something along the lines of "Ad inventory may be affected. You may want to contact your sponsorship team"

I'll track this as a notifications use case.