EAGO.Optimizer not solving correctly with user-defined subroutines
ca0h opened this issue · 2 comments
ca0h commented
Cannot reproduce the following example after updating JuMP to v0.21
Julia: v1.4 or v1.5
JuMP: v0.21.4
EAGO: 0.4.2 or 0.5.2
using EAGO, IntervalArithmetic, JuMP
struct IntervalExt <: EAGO.ExtensionType end
import EAGO.lower_problem!
function lower_problem!(t::IntervalExt, x::EAGO.Optimizer)
# retrieve bounds at current node
n = x._current_node
lower = n.lower_variable_bounds
upper = n.upper_variable_bounds
# define X for node and compute interval extension
x_value = Interval.(lower, upper)
F = sin(x_value[1])x_value[2]^2-cos(x_value[3])/x_value[4]
x._lower_objective_value = F.lo
x._lower_solution = IntervalArithmetic.mid.(x_value)
x._lower_feasibility = true
x._cut_add_flag = false
import EAGO.upper_problem!
function EAGO.upper_problem!(t::IntervalExt, x::EAGO.Optimizer)
# retrieve bounds at current node
n = x._current_node
lower = n.lower_variable_bounds
upper = n.upper_variable_bounds
# compute midpoint value
x_value = 0.5*(upper + lower)
f_val = sin(x_value[1])*x_value[2]^2-cos(x_value[3])/x_value[4]
x._upper_objective_value = f_val
x._upper_solution = x_value
x._upper_feasibility = true
import EAGO: preprocess!, postprocess!, cut_condition
function EAGO.preprocess!(t::IntervalExt, x::Optimizer)
x._preprocess_feasibility = true
function EAGO.postprocess!(t::IntervalExt, x::Optimizer)
x._postprocess_feasibility = true
EAGO.cut_condition(t::IntervalExt, x::Optimizer) = false
m = JuMP.Model(EAGO.Optimizer)
JuMP.set_optimizer_attribute(m, "branch_variable", Bool[true; true; true; true])
JuMP.set_optimizer_attribute(m, "verbosity", 10)
JuMP.set_optimizer_attribute(m, "time_limit", 10.0)
JuMP.set_optimizer_attribute(m, "obbt_depth", 0)
JuMP.set_optimizer_attribute(m, "dbbt_depth", 0)
JuMP.set_optimizer_attribute(m, "cp_depth", 0)
# Adds variables and bounds
x_L = [-10, -1, -10, 2]
x_U = [10, 1, 10, 20]
@variable(m, x_L[i] <= x[i=1:4] <= x_U[i])
# Solves the problem
mewilhel commented
It looks like you missed transitioning one important attribute from keyword arguments to the set_optimizer_attribute. You just need to specify that EAGO should use the new IntervalExt Extension type rather than it's default. This is done using the following line of code:
JuMP.set_optimizer_attribute(m, "ext_type", IntervalExt())
Also, thanks for the updated version of the interval branch and bound example! I'll update the notebooks to the more modern JuMP syntax shortly.
ca0h commented
Problem solved! Thanks a lot!