Formula Parsing when switching settings
HojouFotytu opened this issue · 1 comments
When switching between settings using different formulas: if the new setting has a formula using a strategy that did not exist in the prior setting, the boolean parser experiences an error.
For example:
Setting 1: DEFAULT_DCA_buy_strategy_formula = (T) || (I && J)
Setting 2: DEFAULT_DCA_buy_strategy_formula = (S && T) || (I && J)
If there is no strategy S in setting 1, when the switch occurs to setting 2, the analyzer seems to parse the new formula before setting 2 has fully loaded. Since there was no strategy S in setting 1, the parser encounters an error.
Until a fix is implemented, one solution is to create a dummy strategy for S in setting 1 -- something that will always be true, eg., RSI below 100.
- fixed with removal of formula parsing in version 2.4.5