
What data privacy/retention policies apply to badge requests from poser.pugx.org?

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Library version pugx/badge-poser
PHP version v3.7.0

Support Question

When these badges are added to a package's README, applications (incl browsers on Github, Gitlab) viewing the README may request images from URLs such as https://poser.pugx.org/composer/composer/v.

The host organisation behind that web service may see a range of data about the viewing application, including origin IP, host OS, other details, as well as be privy to indicative viewing counts for repository activity.

I'm interested to know if there is some data policy or commitment by the organisation to treat this data responsibly. I wasn't able to find one via the poser.pugx.org website.

Really appreciate the service and not accusing you of being data grabbers - just want to check in on what it might mean for my users if I add this to my projects!
