
Sort inventory items within category by type

Opened this issue ยท 4 comments

User request:

Ability to sort items within a category by their Item Type. For example, I'd like all my Tent item types to appear as a group within the Shelter category rather than spread out around other item types within that same category.

Given we already give users the option to reorder things within a category, I think this is done. I don't think the site can make the decision of how to group things: users can fill in fields with whatever they like, so it would be (i think) impossible for the site to know how to group, unless we have another field for "sub-category grouping" which feels a bit weird.

Maybe it's not a database persisted sort. For example, we could just change the inventory category headers to also include the column names so users could click and temporarily sort the each table.


Ooooh wait, I have been an idiot. For some reason I read this whole thing as being about Pack ordering, when it is actually about Inventory ordering ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ .

In that case my thoughts change a bit in some places but stay the same in others: the feature would only be useful for people who use the freeform Item Type field in a certain way.

But on the other hand, some sort of ordering in Inventory would be neat.

Earlier version of comment:

I think that is a different feature? Worth looking into but I feel different from the user request's intent (although ofc I cannot read their mind), and it doesn't help us divine what is a "Tent item" per the given example.

The thing I am having trouble with is that this ordering is very personal:

I'd like all my Tent item types to appear as a group

What "Tent items" are would vary from person to person, similar to how what Category something falls into varies which is why we have a custom option. Figuring it out by the "Item type" field as suggested is not reliable, since that field is deliberately freeform and users can put whatever they like: the sorting feature would only work for some. (And having it not freeform would not give good UX.)

I feel the ordering functionality you added already addresses these personal variances.

I should have specified that this was for the Inventory view :)

We could sort by:

  • default (created date)
  • alphabetically
  • weight

A simple toggle or dropdown above the list would probably do just fine to start with.