
Show weight of packs in My Packs list

mannidung opened this issue · 2 comments

As a user, I would like to quickly be able to see how much my different packs weigh. This could be included in the My Packs list, just like the number of days or the season the pack is made for.

Was just thinking about this 😄 , would be cool.

Just some initial thoughts on what weights we show, I feel let's keep it minimal (at least to begin with, we can always add more info). So either Total + Base:

50 Items - 5 Days - Spring -  10lbs Total / 8lbs Base

or just Base:

50 Items - 5 Days - Spring -  8lbs Base Weight

I like just showing Base for now, since that is the metric most gear-weighers are trying to improve, but interested to know what other folks think.

Note on implementation: this is not entirely open-and-shut, since total weights are not currently persisted anywhere. When they are displayed on Pack views they are sort of dynamically calculated from values saved on Items. One way to make this work would be to do these numbers and persist on Pack save, then look up the weights in both the Pack View page and the Pack List page. (Or i guess we could do calculations again here, but probs cleaner not to.)