
The "Hands-On Music Generation with Magenta" book code repository and info resource

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Hands-On Music Generation with Magenta

Magenta Version 1.1.7

In Hands-On Music Generation with Magenta, we explore the role of deep learning in music generation and assisted music composition. Design and use machine learning models for music generation using Magenta and make them interact with existing music creation tools.

Music Generation With Magenta Book Cover


Table of Contents

How to cite

    author    = {DuBreuil, Alexandre},
    title     = {Hands-On Music Generation with Magenta},
    publisher = {Packt Publishing Ltd.},
    address   = {Birmingham, UK},
    year      = 2020,
    isbn      = "9781838824419"

Magenta Versioning

In the book, we use Magenta 1.1.7, but we provide updated code here, up to Magenta 2.1.2. The master branch corresponds to Magenta 1.1.7, and the magenta-master branch corresponds to Magenta 2.1.2 (for now). On the magenta-master branch, you can check the modifications (on the first example, for example) to migrate from 1.1.7 to 2.1.2 using:

git diff master Chapter02/chapter_02_example_01.py`

You can see what Magenta version you should be using by looking at the badge at the top of the README and in the Python files.

Python Compatibility

We've only tested Magenta using Python 3.6 as interpreter. Magenta v2.x could work with more recent versions of Python but we didn't test them (see Chapter01 for installation information).

Windows Compatibility

Magenta 1.1.7 works on Windows, but there seems to be problems from Magenta 2.x onwards (see #11 for more details)


  • Page 10: Pen and paper generative music section: minute should be minuet
  • Page 10: Pen and paper generative music section: a total of two will output the measure 32 should be a total of three will output the measure 32

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