can not use with ubuntu 16.04 lst
arkofgalaxy opened this issue · 4 comments
arkofgalaxy commented
install the eiseg with pip ,open it said that:
and clone it ,it said the same.
that is the conda environment list.
conda list.txt
geoyee commented
please try to upgrade PyQt from 5.12 to 5.13+ and see if the problem is solved
geoyee commented
do you solve it?
arkofgalaxy commented
do you solve it?
no,the 5.13 version can not install. T A T. I try to solve it , but not find a useful way.
geoyee commented
do you solve it?
no,the 5.13 version can not install. T A T. I try to solve it , but not find a useful way.
ok, i find a samed problem as your in some forums, they told me upgrade PyQt > 5.13+, because this is a old problem in PyQt and solved in 5.13.