
Debugger crashes Padre ungracefully

Opened this issue · 1 comments

When I run the debugger, at least on my machine, Win7/32, and reach a syntax error, Padre gives an error message about the syntax error, then dies. The process has to be destroyed, and if I relaunch the program, it takes several minutes to re-open or won't until I logout :/ Installed as part of dwimperl-

Here's a link to a memory dump created just after triggering the error with a trivial .pl ("if (} {print 'hello';}") :

... and one created from the re-spawned stagnant process after waiting two minutes:

Thanks for checking in to it :)

I should mention that I also have XAMPP, with perl, installed. I tried telling Padre in the settings to use the DWIMPerl copy of perl.exe, but the behavior didn't change.