
Padre: ./dev failed to start

Closed this issue · 1 comments

After building latest Padre on my Deb 8, 64-bit laptop I executed:

$ ./dev

and got:

11:50:30: Warning: Cannot set locale to language "English (U.K.)".
11:50:30: Error: locale 'en_GB' cannot be set.


I fixed my own Debian 8 problem by doing the following:

dpkg-reconfigure locales

and ensuring 'en_GB' is selected. Then I was asked to select the default locale and did so for my normal environment which is 'en_US.UTF-8'. However, IMO, the failure is still a problem since no fallback locale was found in Padre which causes the error in the first place. My look at file '' is cursory, and I couldn't see immediately how to define the 'en-us' to show its locale indicator as 'en_US.UTF-8' (that is apparently set by the Debian installer for those of selecting US English during at the appropriate prompt).

I will continue to investigate...

I have gotten nowhere so far. I'm convinced that there should be some installation instructions on ensuring a valid locale that will be recognized by Padre is set. Otherwise Padre needs somehow to find what is set and test against that. Again, I don't know how to fix it, but apparently 'en_US.UTF-8' is either not detected or not recognized as valid.

Master branch works now. Closed.