
Unable to write text on cursor position

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  1. Open Padre with a new tab/file.
  2. Put this code inside:
    my $fileDlg = Wx::FileDialog->new(  $self,    # parent 'Open File',        # Caption $progDir,           # Default directory '',                     # Default file "FCB flash Cards (*.fcb)|*.fcb|All files (*.*)|*.*",    # wildcard wxFD_OPEN|wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST);        # style
  3. Click (put cursor) into the word "Cards" between letters "d" and "s".
  4. Write letter "x".
  5. Word "Cards" changes into word "Carxds" - but it should be "Cardxs".

Another strange behaviour:
6) Click between "*" and "." in the first "(*.*)"
7) A strange gap appears between "files" and "(*.*)" and the cursor is before "(*.*)" (see screenshots Before and After).


When I remove quotation marks in front of "FCB flash", everything is OK.

I installed Padre from CPAN, I use Xubuntu 14.04.
About info:
Padre 1.00
osname linux
archname x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
Distribution Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
Kernel 3.13.0-74-generic
Perl 5.18.2
Threads 2
RAM 1063.6MB
Wx 0.9928
WxWidgets 2.8.12
unicode 1
Alien::wxWidgets 0.67
Wx::Perl::ProcessStream 0.32
Wx::Scintilla 0.38
PPI 1.215
Debug::Client 0.29
PPIx::EditorTools 0.18
Config /home/XXX/.local/share/.padre