
Add current directory to @INC for Makefile.PL (perl version 5.29.8)

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I tried to install Padre 1.00 on my Ubuntu 18.10 laptop (perl version 5.29.8) with cpanm but ran into issue #33. So I tried to download tar ball:

cpan -g Padre
perlbrew use 5.29.8-threads
tar zxvf Padre-1.00.tar.gz
cd Padre-1.00

Then edited the file lib/Padre/Wx/ and changed line 5564 according to pull #34
Then edited file lib/Padre/ line 105 and commented out the line: Padre::DB->begin;
according to: DBD-SQLite/DBD-SQLite#10

Now running perl Makefile.PL gives

Can't locate inc/Module/ in @INC

I fixed this issue by changing line #7 in Makefile.PL to include the dot (current directory):

use lib '.', 'privinc';