
YAML::Tiny found a duplicate key 'chomp' in line ''/Padre/lib/Padre/Document/ line 321.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

we have an issue with YAML::Tiny 1.63

kevin@billy:~/GitHub/Padre$ perl dev
Uncaught exception from user code:
    YAML::Tiny found a duplicate key 'chomp' in line '' at /home/kevin/GitHub/Padre/lib/Padre/Document/ line 321.
    Padre::run(Padre=HASH(0xa54bd68)) called at /home/kevin/GitHub/Padre/script/padre line 200
Perl exited with active threads:
    8 running and unjoined
    0 finished and unjoined
    0 running and detached

if we roll back to v1.62 all is ok

The following patch fixes the issue:

diff --git a/share/languages/perl5/perl5.yml b/share/languages/perl5/perl5.yml
index dcba09b..22bf2b9 100644
--- a/share/languages/perl5/perl5.yml
+++ b/share/languages/perl5/perl5.yml
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ chmod:
cmd: (STRING) or (ARRAY)
exp: Remove the newline from the end of the STRING or from the end of every string in the ARRAY.
cmd: (STRING)
exp: Remove last character from STRING. (Usually better to use chomp than chop.)

patch applied in following:


An simple update through "cpanm -s YAML::Tiny" to version 1.67 has solved that issue for me.