
Wx 3.0.0 info only

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Alien::wxWidgets install ok
Wx had to force
Wx::Scintilla ok

                   Padre 1.01
                  osname linux
                archname i686-linux-thread-multi
            Distribution Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS 
                  Kernel 3.13.0-36-generic
                    Perl 5.20.0
                 Threads 8
                     RAM 440.4MB
                      Wx 0.9923
               WxWidgets 3.0.0
                 unicode 1
        Alien::wxWidgets 0.65
 Wx::Perl::ProcessStream 0.32
           Wx::Scintilla 0.39
                     PPI 1.218
           Debug::Client 0.29
       PPIx::EditorTools 0.19
                  Config /home/kevin/GitHub/Padre/.padre

warnings so far

Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at /home/kevin/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.20.0/lib/site_perl/5.20.0/i686-linux-thread-multi/Alien/wxWidgets/ line 77.

@adamkennedy just for you :)

FYI that warning is bug in Alien/wxWidgets/ I have already mentioned it on the wxperl list.

@szabgab cool, any other known issues

The above is one example of some layout problems I see since the switch to Wx 3

And it's not just Scintilla widgets.

If I resize the windows, which will trigger a reflow, then it changes to the correct layout.

@adamkennedy I can also see the button text size issue, which fixes it's self on a dialog resize