
A simple serverless framework based microservice template / bootstrap that can get your iteration zero to less than 2 hours. Uses AWS lambda.

Primary LanguageC#

Serverless Microservice Bootstrap

serverless Build Status

This is a serverless framework template project for creating microservices using microsoft dotnet core.

Getting Started

Make sure you have the Serverless Framework installed.

npm install serverless -g

Install dotnet core on your machine. Instructions can be found at dotnet website


Run the following command in powershell to build the project.


Use the following command for bash.



To run unit tests

dotnet test .\src\Tests


Continous deployment with Travis

The repository is configured for continous deployment with Travis. Refer to the include .travis.yml file. For the purpose of templating, deployment section has been commented out. Please uncomment the following lines in .travis.yml.

- provider: script
  skip_cleanup: true
  script: "./deploy.sh"
    branch: master

To deploy from the command line

Use the following command to deploy from the command line tool

serverless deploy

Expected serverless output

λ  serverless deploy                                                                  
Serverless: Packaging service...                                                      
Serverless: Uploading CloudFormation file to S3...                                    
Serverless: Uploading artifacts...                                                    
Serverless: Validating template...                                                    
Serverless: Updating Stack...                                                         
Serverless: Checking Stack update progress...                                         
Serverless: Stack update finished...                                                  
Service Information                                                                   
service: serverless-microservice-bootstrap                                            
stage: v1                                                                             
region: ap-southeast-2                                                                
stack: serverless-microservice-bootstrap-v1                                           
api keys:                                                                             
  GET - https://xxxxxxxx.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/v1/healthcheck    
  hello: serverless-microservice-bootstrap-v1-hello                                   
  healthcheck: serverless-microservice-bootstrap-v1-healthcheck      

Test the deployment

Bootstrap includes a healthcheck endpoint for which the get endpoint will be written console, refer to the deploy output above. A simple curl command like below should verify the deployment.

curl -i https://xxxxxxxx.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/v1/healthcheck

Output should be similar to

HTTP/2 200
content-type: application/json
content-length: 2
date: Wed, 10 Jan 2018 15:19:02 GMT
x-amzn-requestid: 95b5bc4a-f619-11e7-8866-43a29ca1cc05
context-type: text/html
x-amzn-trace-id: sampled=0;root=1-5a562ee4-4453904d7fcc88f425547103
x-cache: Miss from cloudfront
via: 1.1 9edc66051886b13f4d282ea125622e34.cloudfront.net (CloudFront)
x-amz-cf-id: eXe9WCo_Kf3futXvyNcHlGGtZ0Yz1X3OxXfxf8XhNweeC-NsDvBomQ==


Removing after testing

If you are playing around, remember to remove the serverless stack after testing using the following command.

serverless remove