
Default retry logic does not match PagerDuty documentation.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

vectro commented


The default behavior is to retry infinitely on a 429, and return the
response in any other case (assuming a HTTP response was received from the

However, according to the API documentation, 5xx errors should also be retried.

In my opinion we shouldn't make this the default, even for the Events API. If the end goal is to minimize dropped events in the event that the PagerDuty Events API isn't responding or is responding with 5XX, implementing a cache/queueing system for alerts (for instance pagerduty-agent uses the local filesystem) is more effective.

I did once a few years ago see an edge case involving extremely high frequency of POST requests to the users endpoint that led to database lock contention and some 5xx responses. That's what led to me making configurable retry logic so that this edge case could be more easily handled, i.e.

session.retry[500] = 2 # internal server error, 3 requests total
session.retry[502] = 4 # bad gateway, 5 requests total
session.retry[503] = 6 # service unavailable, 7 requests total
vectro commented

Seems odd to me that the official PD documentation says to treat 429 and 5xx responses the same while the official PD client library does not do so (by default); but if that's PagerDuty's position I'm not going to argue about it.

I've given this more thought and you have a good point. It would be keeping in the client's scope of abstracting the most important aspects of API access described in the documentation to codify this expectation.

Probably the best way to implement this is in a minor release with something like the above three lines in the constructor of the events and change events API client classes.