
Loading dll issue in TestGLES_SKIA_GLFW Example

azeem20 opened this issue · 1 comments

1- TestGLES_SKIA_GLFW has the dependency of PixelFarm.Drawing.GLES2.dll
2- PixelFarm.Drawing.GLES2 has the dependency of PixelFarm.Typography.dll
3- PixelFarm.Typography hasthe dependency of Typography.Contours.dll
4- Typography.Contours has the dependency of Typography.OpenFont.dll
5- Typography.OpenFont has some kind of syntex error and unable to build



Sorry for late reply (I see it today)

from your picture, code line 19 (yellow mark)
It uses new 'C# 7 Out variables'
see more :

It can be compiled with VS2017 .
This is from my machine.

pic 1: Typography.OpenFont 's ScriptList.cs

If you need to use the old version of VS.

please change it to the old syntax like this ...

pic 2: change from pic1

I accept this syntax too.

make it work with your project.
and welcome your pull request :)