
Randomiser seed

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I noticed that you explicitly do rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) in each call to randomFrom.

Sometimes it is desirable to have a fixed seed for more reliable and predictable unit tests behaviour. Would it be possible to seed the randomiser only once, during package init and store the used seed? Additionally add a function that allows one to manually set the seed. Something like:

var seed int64

func Seed() int64 {
    return seed

func SetSeed(v int64) {
    seed = v

func init() {

Well, people can simply save the result they get initially and reuse it in their tests. I dont think it's necessary for us to have to do that.

Closing this for now, let's see if more people have an issue with this, if so, we'll re-open.