aws-gwlb-lab-secrets.txt, where is it, how it looks like?
ozbillwang opened this issue · 3 comments
Documentation link
Describe the problem
In README, it mentions the file aws-gwlb-lab-secrets.txt
, but I don't see the sample in this repo.
And when follow the document in my own AWS Account, I can see the login page of Panorama admin portal, but I can't login with admin / admin
, where to get the password of admin
Suggested fix
Give a sample of aws-gwlb-lab-secrets.txt
and put some where, so we can update with our own password.
My current problem:
How to reset the admin password, or how to re-deploy the stack with password I knew.
one document for reset admin password, which I need go to maintain mode, but how can I go to maintain mode, when the Panorama server is installed in a AWS ec2 instance.
Gone through the code to create instances
module panorama - Create the Panorama Instance
There is no code to set login username and password. So the admin console's password is set in other way.
By the way I can use ssh key to login the instance directly via its public IP
ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa -i PaloAlto.pem admin@
But still not sure how to get its login password from
I fixed the issue by myself.