
Error PanObject.add() missing 1 required positional argument: 'child'\n" on using BGP Peer Group Creation Task in Ansible

gwoodwa1 opened this issue ยท 3 comments

Describe the bug

When running the BGP Peer Group Creation Task, it always fails with the following traceback message from Ansible:

ansible_collections/paloaltonetworks/panos/plugins/module_utils/\", line 478, in process\nTypeError: PanObject.add() missing 1 required positional argument: 'child'\n",

I have done some debugging and narrowed it down to this line of code in line : 478 parent.add(obj)

full path : ansible/collections/ansible_collections/paloaltonetworks/panos/plugins/module_utils/

Extract of the block of code from

        # Attach the object to the parent.

        if self.sdk_cls is None:
            raise Exception("sdk_cls must be specified")
        elif not isinstance(self.sdk_cls, tuple) or len(self.sdk_cls) != 2:
            raise Exception("helper.sdk_cls must be tuple of len()=2")
        obj = to_sdk_cls(*self.sdk_cls)(**spec)

Here is the full playbook which just does the BGP Peer Group Creation Task. I have removed any optional parameters for debugging purposes

- hosts: '{{ target | default("firewall") }}'
  connection: local

      ip_address: '{{ ip_address }}'
      username: '{{ username | default(omit) }}'
      password: '{{ password | default(omit) }}'
      api_key: '{{ api_key | default(omit) }}'

      - if_name: 'ethernet1/1'
        mode: 'layer3'
        ip: ['']
        enable_dhcp: false
      - if_name: 'ethernet1/2'
        mode: 'layer3'
        ip: ['']
        enable_dhcp: false
      - if_name: 'ethernet1/3'
        mode: 'layer3'
        ip: ['']
        enable_dhcp: false


    - name: Create BGP Peer Group
        provider: '{{ device }}'
        state: 'present'
        name: 'peer-group-4'

Expected behavior

I think the obj variable should contain the correct output such that the parent class is not complaining about a missing child element

Current behavior

Consistent Traceback message as above


Possible solution

Having identified the line of code where it is failing, I wonder if the structure of the obj variable/object is incorrect and I would like to know what is expected and how I could examine that. I assumed it was a dictionary object of some sort with contents?

Steps to reproduce

  1. I am using a PanOS VM container created via containerlab
  2. Built on PA-VM-KVM-10.1.6


I am testing provisioning of BGP for PanOS

Your Environment

  • Collection:
  • Python: Python 3.10.4
  • Ansible: ansible 2.10.8
  • PAN-OS Python Library & version pan-os-python==1.4.0 pan-python==0.16.0 Ansible plugin : paloaltonetworks.panos 3.0.0

๐ŸŽ‰ Thanks for opening your first issue here! Welcome to the community!

Confirmed, this appears to have been created with the following commit #325

def main():
    helper = get_connection(
@@ -133,10 +125,10 @@ def main():
-            (VirtualRouter, "vr_name", "default"),
-            (Bgp, None),
+            ("network", "VirtualRouter", "vr_name", "default"),
+            ("network", "Bgp", None),
-        sdk_cls=BgpPeerGroup,
+        sdk_cls=("network", "BgpPeerGroup"),
            enable=dict(default=True, type="bool"),

running through the debugger provided this insight on the obj object being passed into the parent.add() method:

ipdb> next
> /home/cdot/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/paloaltonetworks/panos/plugins/module_utils/
    481         obj = to_sdk_cls(*self.sdk_cls)(**spec)
--> 482         parent.add(obj)

ipdb> type(obj)
<class ''>
ipdb> dir(obj)
['CHILDMETHODS', 'CHILDTYPES', 'HA_SYNC', 'NAME', 'OPSTATES', 'ROOT', 'SUFFIX', 'TEMPLATE_NATIVE', 'XPATH', '_DEFAULT_NAME', '_TEMPLATE_DEVICE_XPATH', '_TEMPLATE_MGTCONFIG_XPATH', '_TEMPLATE_VSYS_XPATH', '_UNKNOWN_PANOS_VERSION', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_about_object', '_about_parameter', '_build_element_info', '_check_child_methods', '_convert_var', '_dot', '_gather_bulk_info', '_get_param_specific_info', '_merge_elements', '_nearest_pandevice', '_params', '_parse_xml', '_perform_vsys_dict_import_delete', '_perform_vsys_dict_import_set', '_refresh_children', '_refresh_xml', '_requires_import_consideration', '_root_element', '_root_xpath_vsys', '_set_reference', '_setup', '_setup_opstate', '_setups', '_stubs', '_subelements', '_xpaths', 'about', 'add', 'aggregated_confed_as_path', 'apply', 'apply_similar', 'children', 'create', 'create_similar', 'delete', 'delete_similar', 'devicegroup', 'dot', 'element', 'element_str', 'enable', 'equal', 'export_nexthop', 'extend', 'find', 'find_index', 'find_or_create', 'findall', 'findall_or_create', 'fulltree', 'hierarchy_info', 'import_nexthop', 'insert', 'move', 'name', 'nearest_pandevice', 'opstate', 'panorama', 'parent', 'parse_xml', 'pop', 'refresh', 'refresh_variable', 'refreshall', 'refreshall_from_xml', 'remove', 'remove_by_name', 'remove_private_as', 'removeall', 'rename', 'retrieve_panos_version', 'soft_reset_with_stored_info', 'tree', 'type', 'uid', 'update', 'variables', 'vsys', 'xml_merge', 'xpath', 'xpath_nosuffix', 'xpath_panorama', 'xpath_root', 'xpath_short', 'xpath_vsys']
ipdb> next
TypeError: add() missing 1 required positional argument: 'child'
> /home/cdot/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/paloaltonetworks/panos/plugins/module_utils/
    481         obj = to_sdk_cls(*self.sdk_cls)(**spec)
--> 482         parent.add(obj)

Downgrading to Ansible Collection 2.9.0 is the best workaround for now @gwoodwa1

๐ŸŽ‰ This issue has been resolved in version 2.11.0 ๐ŸŽ‰

The release is available on Ansible Galaxy and GitHub release

Posted by semantic-release bot