
DHCP interface IP address must be empty error when creating L3 subinterface-paloaltonetworks.panos 2.13.3

rlison47 opened this issue · 14 comments

Describe the bug

There's a DHCP Error in configure L3 subinterface a ' dhcp-client constraints failed : DHCP interface IP address must be empty\n ae2.869 -> dhcp-client is invalid"} after setting enabled DHCP to false and a static IP

Expected behavior

An L3 subinterface will be created with a static IP below is my ansible script

  • name: 'ae2.869'
    tag: '869'
    template: 'DIF_GEN_7080'
    gathered_filter: '*'
    enable_dhcp: false
    vr_name: 'BSTN_PRD_1'
    zone_name: 'BTSTN_IN_1'
    ip: [""]
    management_profile: 'INT_MGMT_PING'

Current behavior

Instead of creating l3 subinterface with a static ip a dhcp error is prompted ' dhcp-client constraints failed : DHCP interface IP address must be empty\n ae2.869 -> dhcp-client is invalid"}


Need help on the fix as we need this ansible automation for our Panorama FW automation Project in our company

Your Environment

Collection Version

ansible [core 2.14.4]
ansible.netcommon 5.1.0
ansible.posix 1.5.2
ansible.utils 2.9.0 1.13.0
python version = 3.10.6
paloaltonetworks.panos 2.13.3

🎉 Thanks for opening your first issue here! Welcome to the community!

Hello, any help would be appreciated. Has anyone here experienced the issue regarding the panos_l3_subinterface_module?

Hi @rlison47, I was able to use your code sample successfully. Here is my code which creates the dependencies, then creates the L3 subinterface:

- name: Palo Alto Networks Playbook
  hosts: '{{ target | default("host_gcprama") }}'
  connection: local

      ip_address: "{{ ip_address }}"
      username: "{{ username | default(omit) }}"
      password: "{{ password | default(omit) }}"
      api_key: "{{ api_key | default(omit) }}"

    - name: Create template
        provider: "{{ device }}"
        xpath: "/config/devices/entry[@name='localhost.localdomain']/template"
        element: "<entry name='DIF_GEN_7080'/>"

    - name: Create zone
        provider: '{{ device }}'
        zone: 'BTSTN_IN_1'
        mode: 'layer3'
        vsys: "DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION"
        template: "DIF_GEN_7080"

    - name: Create virtual router
        provider: "{{ device }}"
        name: "BSTN_PRD_1"
        vsys: "DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION"
        template: "DIF_GEN_7080"

    - name: Create aggregate interface
        provider: "{{ device }}"
        template: "DIF_GEN_7080"
        vsys: "DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION"
        if_name: ae2
        zone_name: BTSTN_IN_1

    - name: Crate interface_mgmt_profile
        provider: '{{ device }}'
        name: 'INT_MGMT_PING'
        ping: true
        template: "DIF_GEN_7080"

    - name: Test
        provider: '{{ device }}'
        name: 'ae2.869'
        tag: '869'
        template: 'DIF_GEN_7080'
        gathered_filter: '*'
        enable_dhcp: false
        vsys: 'DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION'
        vr_name: 'BSTN_PRD_1'
        zone_name: 'BTSTN_IN_1'
        ip: [""]
        management_profile: 'INT_MGMT_PING'

Note that the template, zone, virtual router, aggregate interface, interface management profile and L3 subinterface did not exist before executing this playbook.

Screenshot 2023-09-26 at 11 34 21

Screenshot 2023-09-26 at 11 31 55

I am using:
paloaltonetworks.panos 2.17.6
pan-os-python 1.11.0
pan-python 0.17.0
Panorama 10.2.4

Note that the gathered_filter: '*' line is superfluous and can be removed, because gathered_filter is only evaluated if state is set to gathered.

I see you are using version 2.13.3 of the collection, maybe try updating to a recent version and try testing again.
Please reopen this issue is you are still facing issues.

Hello @jamesholland-uk Thank you so much really appreciate your help. I will try to update the panos version and will let you know on the result.

@jamesholland-uk Hello hope you are doing great how can I re open this issue? I tried to upgrade the paloaltonetworks.panos to 2.17.6 but still getting the same error "ae2.869 -> dhcp-client constraints failed : DHCP interface IP address must be empty\n ae2.869 -> dhcp-client is invalid"

Can you let us know which version of Panorama PAN-OS you are using please? I was testing with 10.2.4 above.

Can you let us know which version of Panorama PAN-OS you are using please? I was testing with 10.2.4 above.

@jamesholland-uk this is our PAN-OS version 10.1.9-h3

It worked for me on 10.1.9-h3.
Can you share the full task definition please? At the moment I can't replicate the error so I can't suggest a fix or solution.
Have you tried forcefully reinstalling the collection again maybe: ansible-galaxy collection install paloaltonetworks.panos:==2.17.6 --force

@jamesholland-uk it seems my enable_dhcp: false is commented out will try to uncomment this and let you know the result

Configure interfaces

  - name: 'ae2.869'
    tag: '869'
    template: 'DIF_GEN_7080'
    # if_name: 'Ethernet_1'
    gathered_filter: '*' 
    # enable_dhcp: false
    vr_name: 'BSTN_PRD_1'
    zone_name: 'BTSTN_IN_1'
    ip: [""]
    # ip: ''

@jamesholland-uk I tried to uncomment the enable_dhcp: false still same result. May I know if below is the the full task you are looking for?

Configure zones

  - zone: 'BTSTN_IN_1'
    gathered_filter: '*' 
    log_setting: 'None'
    type: 'Layer3'
    template: 'DIF_GEN_7080'
    zone_profile: 'Zone Protection Profile 1'   
    # packet_buffer_protection: 'Enabled' 
  - zone: 'BTSTN_INET_1'
    gathered_filter: '*' 
    log_setting: 'None'
    type: 'Layer3'
    template: 'DIF_GEN_7080'
    zone_profile: 'Zone Protection Profile 1'   
    # packet_buffer_protection: 'Enabled'
  - zone: 'BTSTN_INTRA_1'
    gathered_filter: '*' 
    log_setting: 'None'
    type: 'Layer3'
    template: 'DIF_GEN_7080'
    zone_profile: 'Zone Protection Profile 1'   
    # packet_buffer_protection: 'Enabled' 

Configure Virtual Router

  - name: 'BSTN_PRD_1'
    template: 'DIF_GEN_7080' 
    gathered_filter: '*' 

Configure interfaces

  - name: 'ae2.869'
    tag: '869'
    template: 'DIF_GEN_7080'
    # if_name: 'Ethernet_1'
    gathered_filter: '*' 
    enable_dhcp: false
    vr_name: 'BSTN_PRD_1'
    zone_name: 'BTSTN_IN_1'
    ip: [""]
    # ip: ''
    management_profile: 'INT_MGMT_PING'

  - name: 'ae2.870'
    tag: '870'
    template: 'DIF_GEN_7080'
    # if_name: 'Ethernet_2'
    gathered_filter: '*' 
    enable_dhcp: false
    vr_name: 'BSTN_PRD_1'
    zone_name: 'BTSTN_INTRA_1'
    ip: [""]
    # ip: ''
    management_profile: 'INT_MGMT_PING'
  - name: 'ae2.871'
    tag: '871'
    template: 'DIF_GEN_7080'
    # if_name: 'Ethernet_3'
    gathered_filter: '*' 
    enable_dhcp: false
    vr_name: 'BSTN_PRD_1'
    zone_name: 'BTSTN_INET_1'
    ip: [""]
    # ip: ''
    management_profile: 'INT_MGMT_PING'   

$ ansible --version
ansible [core 2.15.6]
config file = None
configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /root/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
python version = 3.11.6 (main, Oct 4 2023, 06:22:18) [GCC 12.2.1 20220924] (/usr/bin/python3)
jinja version = 3.1.2
libyaml = True
$ ansible-galaxy collection list


Collection Version

community.general 8.0.2
paloaltonetworks.panos 2.17.6
$ ansible-playbook --extra-vars "$PANORAMA_CREDS" FW_Definition/main.yml
[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that
the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
PLAY [Firewall Definition] *****************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [ansible-firewall-manage-zones : Configure zones] *************************
changed: [localhost] => (item={'zone': 'BTSTN_IN_1', 'gathered_filter': '', 'vsys': 'DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION', 'log_setting': 'None', 'type': 'Layer3', 'template': 'DIF_GEN_7080', 'zone_profile': 'Zone Protection Profile 1'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={'zone': 'BTSTN_INET_1', 'gathered_filter': '
', 'vsys': 'DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION', 'log_setting': 'None', 'type': 'Layer3', 'template': 'DIF_GEN_7080', 'zone_profile': 'Zone Protection Profile 1'})
changed: [localhost] => (item={'zone': 'BTSTN_INTRA_1', 'gathered_filter': '', 'vsys': 'DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION', 'log_setting': 'None', 'type': 'Layer3', 'template': 'DIF_GEN_7080', 'zone_profile': 'Zone Protection Profile 1'})
TASK [ansible-firewall-manage-virtual-router : Configure virtual router] *******
changed: [localhost] => (item={'name': 'BSTN_PRD_1', 'template': 'DIF_GEN_7080', 'gathered_filter': '
TASK [ansible-firewall-manage-interface : Configure interfaces] ****************
failed: [localhost] (item={'name': 'ae2.869', 'tag': '869', 'template': 'DIF_GEN_7080', 'gathered_filter': '', 'enable_dhcp': False, 'vsys': 'DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION', 'vr_name': 'BSTN_PRD_1', 'zone_name': 'BTSTN_IN_1', 'ip': [''], 'management_profile': 'INT_MGMT_PING'}) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": {"enable_dhcp": false, "gathered_filter": "", "ip": [""], "management_profile": "INT_MGMT_PING", "name": "ae2.869", "tag": "869", "template": "DIF_GEN_7080", "vr_name": "BSTN_PRD_1", "vsys": "DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION", "zone_name": "BTSTN_IN_1"}, "msg": "Failed create: ae2.869 -> dhcp-client constraints failed : DHCP interface IP address must be empty\n ae2.869 -> dhcp-client is invalid"}
failed: [localhost] (item={'name': 'ae2.870', 'tag': '870', 'template': 'DIF_GEN_7080', 'gathered_filter': '', 'enable_dhcp': False, 'vsys': 'DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION', 'vr_name': 'BSTN_PRD_1', 'zone_name': 'BTSTN_INTRA_1', 'ip': [''], 'management_profile': 'INT_MGMT_PING'}) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": {"enable_dhcp": false, "gathered_filter": "", "ip": [""], "management_profile": "INT_MGMT_PING", "name": "ae2.870", "tag": "870", "template": "DIF_GEN_7080", "vr_name": "BSTN_PRD_1", "vsys": "DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION", "zone_name": "BTSTN_INTRA_1"}, "msg": "Failed create: ae2.870 -> dhcp-client constraints failed : DHCP interface IP address must be empty\n ae2.870 -> dhcp-client is invalid"}
failed: [localhost] (item={'name': 'ae2.871', 'tag': '871', 'template': 'DIF_GEN_7080', 'vsys': 'DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION', 'gathered_filter': '', 'enable_dhcp': False, 'vr_name': 'BSTN_PRD_1', 'zone_name': 'BTSTN_INET_1', 'ip': [''], 'management_profile': 'INT_MGMT_PING'}) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": {"enable_dhcp": false, "gathered_filter": "", "ip": [""], "management_profile": "INT_MGMT_PING", "name": "ae2.871", "tag": "871", "template": "DIF_GEN_7080", "vr_name": "BSTN_PRD_1", "vsys": "DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION", "zone_name": "BTSTN_INET_1"}, "msg": "Failed create: ae2.871 -> dhcp-client constraints failed : DHCP interface IP address must be empty\n ae2.871 -> dhcp-client is invalid"}
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

from task main.yml

- name: Configure interfaces
    provider: '{{ device }}'
    name: '{{ }}'
    tag: '{{ item.tag }}'
    vsys: '{{ item.vsys }}'
    template: '{{item.template}}'
    gathered_filter: "{{ item.gathered_filter }}"
    vr_name: '{{ item.vr_name }}'
    zone_name: '{{ item.zone_name }}'
    ip: '{{ item.ip }}'
    management_profile: '{{ item.management_profile }}'  
    state: "{{ item.state | default('present') }}"
  with_items: '{{ interfaces }}'

getting the data from vars.yml

      - name: 'ae2.869'
        tag: '869'
        template: 'DIF_GEN_7080'
        gathered_filter: '*' 
        enable_dhcp: false
        vsys: 'DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION'
        vr_name: 'BSTN_PRD_1'
        zone_name: 'BTSTN_IN_1'
        ip: [""]
        management_profile: 'INT_MGMT_PING'

      - name: 'ae2.870'
        tag: '870'
        template: 'DIF_GEN_7080'
        gathered_filter: '*' 
        enable_dhcp: false
        vsys: 'DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION'
        vr_name: 'BSTN_PRD_1'
        zone_name: 'BTSTN_INTRA_1'
        ip : [""]
        management_profile: 'INT_MGMT_PING'

      - name: 'ae2.871'
        tag: '871'
        template: 'DIF_GEN_7080'
        vsys: 'DIF_GEN_PRD_BASTION'
        gathered_filter: '*' 
        enable_dhcp: false
        vr_name: 'BSTN_PRD_1'
        zone_name: 'BTSTN_INET_1'
        ip: [""]
        management_profile: 'INT_MGMT_PING' ``

Hi @rlison47, in this section (#497 (comment)) you have enable_dhcp: false in each of the interfaces in the vars, but you're not passing that into your

name: Configure interfaces

task. You could need to add a parameter to that task that looks something like enable_dhcp: '{{item.enable_dhcp}}'

Also FWIW, the gathered_filter parameter is not needed for tasks when you are applying configuration> This parameter is used when state: gathered, but here there is an implicit state: present (which is the default for state and is correct for tasks making config changes).

Hello @jamesholland-uk I am happy to announce that the issue was already resolved :) Thank you so much for all the help and assistance. I really appreciate it. The updating of panos version and passing enable_dhcp parameters did resolved the issue again thank you so much for the help.