
Need help with panos_commit_panorama module

Kmaharwal2023 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi Team,
I am using the ansible panos_commit_panorama module to commit changes done by a specific user( eg. test user) and on a specific device group by using below code snippet:

provider: "{{ provider }}"
device_groups: "{{ group}}"
admins: ["{{ panos_user }}"]
register: commit_result

However when i run the above code, it commits the changes for specific devicegroup for that user but also includes changes to all templates, template_stack, collector, collector group, wildfire appliance configuration, wildfire appliance cluster configuration.

Please can you advise how can I exclude everything else apart from the devicegroup. I checked from panorama cli, it is possible using below command, however couldn't find the relevant in ansible

#commit partial device-group no-template no-template-stack no-log-collector no-log-collector-group no-wildfire-appliance no-wildfire-appliance-cluster