
panos_facts has typo when returning gather_subset "vsys"

Closed this issue ยท 2 comments

Describe the bug

When using panos_facts to return vsys values from a device, there is a typo in the returned value ansible_net_virtual_systems - it is returned as ansible_net_virtual-systems

This means that any value under Virtual System Information cannot be used for subsequent tasks.

Expected behavior

I would expect a list of Security Zones to be returned.

The example below shows the same playbook but using a different return value (hostname) successfully:

TASK [../roles/palo_alto_manage : zones from config] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [BLU-PALOALTO] => {
    "vsys": {
        "ansible_facts": {
            "ansible_net_full_commit_required": false,
            "ansible_net_gather_subset": [
            "ansible_net_hostname": "BLU-PALOALTO",
            "ansible_net_model": "PA-VM",
            "ansible_net_multivsys": "off",
            "ansible_net_serial": "unknown",
            "ansible_net_uncommitted_changes": false,
            "ansible_net_uptime": "2 days, 16:58:46",
            "ansible_net_version": "8.1.15",
            "ansible_net_virtual-systems": [
                    "vsys_currentsessions": "0",
                    "vsys_description": null,
                    "vsys_id": "1",
                    "vsys_iflist": [
                    "vsys_maxsessions": "0",
                    "vsys_name": "vsys1",
                    "vsys_vrlist": [],
                    "vsys_zonelist": [
        "changed": false,
        "failed": false

TASK [../roles/palo_alto_manage : Extract security zones from vsys] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [../roles/palo_alto_manage : zones from vsys] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [BLU-PALOALTO] => {
    "discovered_zones": "BLU-PALOALTO"

Current behavior

included: /playbooks/roles/palo_alto_manage/tasks/zones.yml for BLU-PALOALTO

TASK [../roles/palo_alto_manage : Gather existing security zones from device] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [../roles/palo_alto_manage : zones from config] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [BLU-PALOALTO] => {
    "vsys": {
        "ansible_facts": {
            "ansible_net_full_commit_required": false,
            "ansible_net_gather_subset": [
            "ansible_net_hostname": "BLU-PALOALTO",
            "ansible_net_model": "PA-VM",
            "ansible_net_multivsys": "off",
            "ansible_net_serial": "unknown",
            "ansible_net_uncommitted_changes": false,
            "ansible_net_uptime": "2 days, 16:54:21",
            "ansible_net_version": "8.1.15",
            "ansible_net_virtual-systems": [
                    "vsys_currentsessions": "0",
                    "vsys_description": null,
                    "vsys_id": "1",
                    "vsys_iflist": [
                    "vsys_maxsessions": "0",
                    "vsys_name": "vsys1",
                    "vsys_vrlist": [],
                    "vsys_zonelist": [
        "changed": false,
        "failed": false

TASK [../roles/palo_alto_manage : Extract security zones from vsys] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [BLU-PALOALTO]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'dict object' has no attribute 'ansible_net_virtual_systems'. 'dict object' has no attribute 'ansible_net_virtual_systems'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/playbooks/roles/palo_alto_manage/tasks/zones.yml': line 16, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: Extract security zones from vsys\n  ^ here\n"}

Possible solution

Steps to reproduce

Run the following against a target device with one or more Security Zones defined:

- name: Gather existing security zones from device
    provider: '{{ palo_provider }}'
    gather_subset: vsys
  register: vsys

- name: Extract security zones from vsys
    discovered_zones: '{{ vsys.ansible_facts.ansible_net_virtual_systems.vsys_zonelist }}'
- name: zones from vsys
    var: discovered_zones



I am creating a role to delete any Security Zones from a device and add new ones. I can add new Security Zones but cannot gather the information required to delete current zones on the target device(s)

Your Environment

  • Collection: paloaltonetworks.panos 2.18.0
  • Python: 3.9.18
  • Ansible: 2.15.7
  • PAN-OS Python Library & version (e.g. pandevice 0.14.0, pan-os-python 1.0.2):

Hello @chris-cheesman !

Thank you for pointing this out.

I've issued a PR which should fix the issues!

๐ŸŽ‰ This issue has been resolved in version 2.20.0 ๐ŸŽ‰

The release is available on Ansible Galaxy and GitHub release

Posted by semantic-release bot